Sunday, 5 July 2009

Good, Boy, and Girl Friends

Teenage girls and boys naturally get attracted to each other and have crushes. Some enter into relationships. But what most of us ignore is the fact that friendship can exist between a boy and a girl who like each other and they need not have a relationship. This is because, in a relationship, understanding, sharing, and caring- all aspects common to friendship- are equally important as compromise, commitment, love, and bonding- things that may not be part of friendship and may require more than what teenagers can or should get involved into.

A boy and a girl can be good friends by sharing an emotional bond and yet not be a couple. However, in the surge of stupid, corny emotions that are characteristic to teenage, the idea of being just friends rather than a couple is washed away, only to be fished out a few years later, when one can recognise the difference between love and crushes. Then, as adults, we find out how many good friends we can have from the other gender and yet not fall for them.

I can confidently say so because if one takes a good, open minded look around, we can see so many adults, married or otherwise, emotionally very close or open to people from the opposite gender. It doesn't necessarily mean that they are in a 'relationship'. In fact, they share a very unique, sacred relationship that is very strong and vastly different from love or lust.